Monday, April 30, 2012

Victoria Park

This weekend, Liam was busy with a meeting and a Celtics vs. Rangers football game.

And wanting to keep my kids separated from their video games, streaming TV, and Facebook chatting, I decided to explore Glasgow's parks.  If you've been reading the blog, you know that we spend a lot of time at our closest parks, the Botanics (here) and Kelvingrove (here) and frequent the neighborhood playgrounds (here), so we needed to venture a little further afield.  After checking out parks on-line, I found there were two within walking distance of our flat.  On Sunday, we headed out to Victoria Park.

This park is small, but clean and well-maintained.  There is a large pond where many swans and ducks were hanging out.  The requisite statue -- every park has at least one.

The boys appreciated the mini-trampoline and the inflatable slide.

I enjoyed the variety of rhododendrons.

Finally, there is the Fossil Grove, which contained stumps of trees about 330 million years old.  Inside a building are some of the fossilized trees preserved in stone.  At one time, Glasgow's climate was similar to southern Florida, so these trees would have been part of a giant swamp.

A good outing including some new playground elements, but this park is not as expansive or interesting as the two closer to our flat.

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