Thursday, April 5, 2012

London -- Hunting for Banksy

Our last day in London was Tuesday. Even with a 4:30 train, we still packed in a museum, Korean lunch, and graffiti search.

Cormac has recently become interested in graffiti artist, Banksy, who painted a lot of images providing social commentary and satire around London in the past ten years. So, we went on a search for some remaining Banksy (most of it has been painted over or removed and sold). Luckily, near our flat were three!

The rat above is holding a placard that says Always Fail, which is the UK nickname for the Royal Mail (you can probably guess why). This image is outside a huge Royal Mail processing plant. The faded rat below is holding a camera and is tucked away in a close (an alley with houses on it).

Girl being pulled into ATM machine by a robotic arm, now partially painted over and plexi-glassed -- near the Banksy Bagel Shop (wonder how would he feel about that?)

My favorite Banksy (we didn't see this one on a wall; this is a photo of a photo).

Liam's favorite is a group of children saluting a Tesco bag (Tesco is the big grocery chain in the UK). Declan's favorite is a Star Wars one with an ATAT telling a smaller one I am your father. Cormac's favorite is a rat standing in a green puddle (toxic rat).

Purchases from Portobello Road -- toast rack and candy tin.

Most popular item for shopping in London -- t-shirts! But Declan did get some accessories also -- sunglasses and watch necklace.

A quick dip into the British Museum which was incredibly crowded with people, yet still overwhelming in the number of treasures it contains! I'm always struck with the nerve of England -- that they would take precious items from every spot in the globe seems to be the height of imperialist attitude, but then I'm also grateful that all these prizes are safe and available for people to enjoy, especially after the looting of the Baghdad museum and the destruction of the Afghan Buddhas by the Taliban. It's definitely an ethical dilemma.

As we got ready to head home to the calm of Glasgow, we compiled our favorites from our trip.

The Best of London

Restaurant: Cormac = Four Seasons, Susan = Gail's, Liam and Declan = Sen Viet

Market: Cormac, Liam and Declan = Camden Locks; Susan = Portobello Road

Sight or Museum: Susan = Sherlock Holmes Museum, Declan = Tower of London, Cormac = Tate Modern, Liam = Lucian Freud exhibit at the National Portrait Gallery

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