We find the Scottish to be friendly and polite, wanting to tell you more than you might want to know, and this attitude even extends to signs. Here are some amusing and/or informative signs we've seen in the UK.
The warning signs tend to be very specific, providing both written and visual of what might happen if you don't do as the sign says.

These speed limit signs crack us up, such a nice reminder. Of course, most cars drive extremely fast even on city streets, so I don't think the signs help much.

This sign confused us when we first moved here. We could tell it meant don't tip over the dumpsters, which given the public drunkenness is probably a good thing to warn against, but the fly part stumped us. Our friend Simon thinks it means, don't tip the dumpsters on the fly, but I'm not entirely convinced by that explanation.
A graphic reminder of what happens when you don't pick up after your dog -- love the scent lines!
Helpful warning signs even in public bathrooms (or toilets, which is what they are called here -- again, maybe too much information in "I'm going to the toilet" vs. "I'm going to the bathroom" which allows you to pretend you're doing something else in there).

Friends who had been to Ireland warned us that drinking fountains are rare, if not non-existent. So, we bring a water bottle on our excursions, but find the lack of potable water in some museums and office buildings quite baffling. Doesn't all the city water come from the same source?

More extremely specific warning signs. My favorite is the electrocuted man -- wouldn't want to end up like him!

Love this last one -- words to definitely live your life by!
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