Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sneaking through the Alleys with Molly

Molly and I headed to Edinburgh for a girls' getaway on Monday and Tuesday. Edinburgh is adorable and knows it! I loved the alleys and buildings and views, but was a little taken aback by how touristy the city is. Lots and lots of souvenir shops!! So, as the picutres below show, Edinburgh is beautiful and impressive, but I am glad we are in Glasgow, which has more of a real city feel to it. For example, the bagpiping buskers in Glasgow have dreadlocks, unlike the formal guy in the photo above.

Many British Lit references along the streets of Edinburgh

Monument to poet, Walter Scott

Window shopping included lots of food items, like these delicious baked items at Clarinda's Tea House

and the aptly named sandwich shop with the complete roast pig in the window.

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