Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pollok Country House

Liam's aunt, MeMe, is visiting from San Francisco, and today, she and I went to see a 1700s house that displays the owners' art and furniture collection, or at least some of it. Pollok House was the home of Sir William Maxwell and his wife and daughter, who had 40 staff to care for them and their home and property and who lived there until 1966. The house itself seems on a livable scale until you go to the servants' quarter, which is the whole basement floor, and realize how much it took to keep the house running. Made me very glad to not have been born a servant in the 18th century (for example, there was a hidden corridor running through the middle of the house so servants could move from room to room without being seen).

Some of the highly decorative objects in the house (not to my taste!)

The gardens were not as glorious as they promise to be later in the season, but the blossoming trees and daffodils were amazing!

The exterior of the house is more grand than the interior

We finished our visit with tea and scones in the restaurant (formerly the kitchen). I have to say every scone I have eaten from the generic grocery store brand to the fanciest bakery and everywhere in between has been delicious -- all different, but all yummy!!

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