Friday, February 24, 2012

York Continued

York continues to delight us with its charm and sights. Yesterday, we had a packed day of visiting attractions and churches and hanging out with Andy. We started our day by visiting the Jorvik, Viking Center. York was once a Viking town, so there has been much archaeological study done here. The Viking Center included lots of artifacts and a tour of a recreated Viking village including talking, life-size figures who told you tidbits about their lives in Viking language, luckily translated for us.

just a recreation of a helmet found buried in the ground, but still pretty impressive

chocolate animals -- the boys really liked these badgers

Minerva, goddess of wisdom leaning on a pile of books

After a quick lunch, we headed off to see the Minster, York's Cathedral, which one of Europe's greatest Gothic cathedrals, as you can tell from the exterior.

Many amazing stained glass windows

We climbed the tower at the Minister, which was a feat only for people who don't mind many stairs, tight spaces, and heights. The top was odd, completely caged in with wire (along the walls and over head) -- great views but felt a little like being in a prison yard (not that I have been in one).

gargoyles -- love the one sticking out his tongue

view from the top

view of the Deanery with the Poke ball garden

Declan descends the extremely steep and tight stairs -- 279!

Then, we met up with Andy!

We had some tea and scones in this hidden away place, Gray's Court, where you sit on couches -- very comfy.

This gate is from 71 AD!Andy took us on walk through the city streets and down by the river.

Andy went home to work on a paper due on Sunday. Liam and I attended Evensong at the Minister, where there was a beautiful choir singing the hymns, songs, and prayers -- very peaceful to hear the sweet voices in a spectacular place. The boys opted to rest at the B&B before we went out to a Chinese buffet dinner. Although there was the usual fried options, there were actually vegetable dishes, like broccoli in garlic sauce, sauteed greens, spicy parsnips (traditional to China?) and crispy kale (which they labeled as both seaweed and cabbage, but I didn't care because I knew it was kale and was happy!).

As you can see, a very full day with more to come today!

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