Thursday, January 26, 2012

Yes, It Snows in Scotland!

So, people warned us it would snow, and here is the most accumulation I could find. Notice none sticking on the ground. And I expect it will gone by tomorrow. We'll take that over having to do the shoveling.

Today, we checked out the boys' potential schools. Unfortunately, we don't have the right visas for them, so their enrollment will be delayed. That does give us more time to be tourists!

In the afternoon, we went out in the snow to the City Centre, which is a big shopping district like Downtown Crossing in Boston, Union Square in San Francisco, and the Bangor Mall (okay not so much like the last one). The boys found their two dream stores -- a store with comics, graphic novels, figurines, etc. and an Apple store.

Declan hugging the posters.

Inside the Apple Store, where there was live music to watch, games to test, and large monitors to check Facebook on. Can you guess who was doing what?

This area (like all of Glasgow that we've seen so far) has amazing architecture. Many stores in this area are in old banks or factories. We dropped in to the Gallery of Modern Art (GOMA), where the interior details surpassed the exhibits.

Trash or Art?

But you can buy trash at this store!


  1. The plastic sculpture is intriguing......... surely. I will enjoy following your adventures.
    Best - Kal

  2. @Kal, it really looked like a large trash bag on the floor, but we figured it wasn't just a janitor forgetting to put it in the dumpster!
