Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Greeted with Curry -- Day One

Once we arrived, I tried to catch a little nap while Liam and the boys went on a quick tour of the neighborhood before Liam taught his class. Having had some tea in Heathrow en route, sleep eluded me (I have a very low tolerance for caffeine -- even chocolate can keep me awake at night), but lying down felt great after hours in a sitting position.

Liam returned and we set off for some lunch. Love the Scottish twist, well for the name only. The food was all Indian!

Then, we were off to explore the university a little.

Outside Liam's office

Liam at
his desk

Cruising the campus
of the University of Glasgow

Finally, my candy obsession. Yes, I love candy in the USA, but the boys and I are very excited about new candy options in the UK. Despite having spotted these two tasty-looking items, and no, they are not green beans and fried eggs, just candy masquerading as such, we went for the safe and delicious choice of a Cadbury fruit and nut bar and a Carmello. But we will be trying the weird and yummy, as the days go on.

Now, I'm ready for bed but it's only 5:00 here. I'll try to make it through dinner, then hopefully catch up on some sleep for our next day of exploring!


  1. 2 blog posts already!!! So nice to check in on you from the English suite!! It looks so pretty there, if a little rainy? Can't wait to hear more about the candy. Also, you should try to make your photos bigger... do you see how to do that? Enjoy finding your way around! Miss you!!

    1. I am loving your blog, Susan! But I can't quite figure out how to comment. I'm not sure if tagging on to Emilie's comment will work. Can anyone help me? Love, Clucky
