Friday, January 20, 2012

My Almost-Empty House

from crammed
to cleared

The countdown is in earnest now! Three days until we are on the plane. I'm loving my minimalist house, even though it looks a little like the before from a home decorating show on HGTV. Emptied drawers and closets, cleared out shelves and cubbies, packed away fragiles -- it's amazing how much I could cram into our basement study, now storage space.

Now, onto the tough decisions, what clothes to bring?!?

How can I select my outfits for six months? And, even more important, how much can I cram into two suitcases? Beyond a raincoat, I'm not sure what else I really need, but what will I want? I'm thinking this limited wardrobe could be freeing. More brain space for deep thoughts, if less is taken up with figuring out what to wear. Plus, secretly, I would wear the same clothes every day if they stayed clean and no-one would notice. Always wanted to try that at school -- would any students catch on to the same outfit two days in a row? Probably, okay definitely, yes, but in a big city, I think I could do it!

So, my goal -- fewer clothes but more wearing power. I'll let you know how that works for me.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog, Susan! Reading this is getting me really excited for my visit. I'll see you one month from today !! -- Molly
