So, how do you pack up a house and a family of four for six months away from home? My solution (which works for pretty much all of my life): incremental steps and many lists.
I started sorting and packing some of our stuff back in November. The most daunting – our boys’ closets, which help keep their rooms neat by storing LOTS of toys, papers, clothes, stuff. They helped out by sorting into three piles – get rid of, put away now, put away later. I worked on the rest of the house, boxing up fragiles and sentimental items that we didn’t want the people staying in our house to worry about. Weekend by weekend, I chipped away and was feeling really on top of it all.
My list was long, but diminishing. My extraneous stuff was shipped off to Goodwill. My house was looking emptier. All was good!
The toll started to show this week, which was the last week of the quarter (lots of late work turned in by my lovely, but procrastinating students; exams to be written; organizing to do for my wonderful sub) and two weeks before we leave (visa issues; worries about what to pack; last minute medical appointments). Tired and cranky, I stressed – would I get it all done? (Remains to be seen)
Liam, meanwhile, is already in Glasgow dealing with the red tape of banking and visa bureaucracy. He sends good reports – weather is warmer than Maine, the flat will fit all four of us (more on that later), etc.
I probably shouldn’t be writing this on a Friday night, since it sounds a lot like whining about an opportunity for which I do feel very lucky. And all will come together (what doesn’t will just remain undone) and soon we will be in Scotland, sending you updates from across the pond!