Thursday, June 21, 2012

Mona and Marais

Yesterday, despite our attempt at an early start, we left the apartment about ten o'clock, but since a rainy weather report made us adjust our day's plans, the later departure didn't affect things too much.  So off to the Louvre with about thousands of other people.

The Louvre -- how do you describe the magnitude and size?  So much art!!  We hit the biggies and then checked out the Dutch paintings and the sculptures.

Crowds around all the most famous pieces

I always feel a little sorry for the Mona Lisa, what if she wants a day off?  So many adoring fans.

Lots of Greek and Roman images!

And, lots of Mary and child images too.

After our fill of culture, we headed off to the Marais.  Exiting the metro at Bastille, we had to hover under a store's awning during a thunder and lightning storm with hail.
blue skies one minute
pouring rain the next
Luckily, the storm passed quickly and we wandered the Marais, window shopping and snacking.

loved the iron balconies in this neighborhood
gourmet chocolates
resting outside the Pompidou 
fun sculptures outside Pompidou

My kids have become addicted to Magnum bars, so when we saw a store that made ones to order, they had to try them.

made out of Magnum sticks

About seven o'clock, the Marais turned into a party with lots of people having drinks outside of cafes and music blaring into the streets.  We loved the disco balls in the windows above one bar.

The Marais neighborhood was great!  The shops were endlessly interesting -- one favorite was a fishmonger, where she had decorated her display of fish with greenery, and the architecture was also really fun to explore.  A great first full day in Paris!!

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