Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Hallo Heidelberg

We arrived in Heidelberg yesterday afternoon after a three hour train ride from Paris on the ICEE train that went 200 miles per hour!  We love traveling by train -- so relaxing.  Someone in Glasgow asked me why the US doesn't have trains like in the UK and Europe, and I had no answer for her.

We're staying in the old part of Heidelberg which is very touristy (since it's so quaint) and studenty (since the university is located in this area).  Our hotel called the Hip Hotel has a great gimmick of each room is decorated as if it's in a different country (check out the link to see the rooms' decors).  We're staying in Marrakesch which has fun details like a mural on the ceiling, tin lamps, and a tile mosaic sink.

We walked along the pedestrian streets of the old section of Heidelberg in search of dinner and sights. Lots of shops, ice cream places, cafes, river views, etc.

River Neckar

Found the famous monkey statue where local lore professes that touching the mirror will bring you wealth.  I'm not sure what using the statue as a mask will do, but every kid was doing this.

We're looking forward to exploring this historic city; its smaller scale is a nice respite from the size and scale of Paris.  As a total anti-tourist day, we're off to a zoo and an outdoor pool.

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