Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Daredevil Jumping!

Yesterday, we visited the Heidelberg Zoo which had its fair share of adorable animals, including some of our favorites like the red panda.  But it also had a few sights you wouldn't see at an American zoo like this wheelbarrow of meat just sitting in the middle of the tiger house

maybe the meat was for her lunch
Or the nest on top of a zoo building.

We named this zoo the fighting zoo because many of the animals would seem adorable when we came up to their enclosures or cages, then they would start brawling with each other, often singling out one for the chewing, drowning, beating.  None seemed to get hurt so maybe it was just play, but it looked pretty fierce.

cute otters before the fighting
An animal that was in the gift shop

After the zoo we hit the Schwimmbad, which was an amazing outdoor pool complex with a lap pool, diving pool, shallow pool with slides, kiddie pool, playground, basketball and volleyball courts, cafes... It was so nice!

even nicely landscaped

Cormac showed his bravery in the diving pool when he jumped off all the platforms.

The low one

The middle one

The highest one, which must have been at least forty feet in the air

Declan showed serious style while he kept to the lower platforms

So much fun!!  And as we hoped a very non-tourist day finished off with dinner with a Fulbright from Indiana and her cute five year old daughter who showed us her favorite climbing tree and the frogs in the botanical gardens near their apartment.

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