Saturday, June 2, 2012

Gardens Update

I love looking at gardens, and during my many walks around Glasgow, I have greatly enjoyed seeing how both people's individual gardens and the public gardens in the city parks have evolved over the spring months.  From bare stalks and frosted leaves to an explosion of tulips and daffodils to blossoming trees and emerging perennials, the gardens have given a spectacular show, which I'm sure will continue as we head into full summer (Glasgow style, at least).

Britain is famous for its bluebells, which often emerge in a mix of pink, blue and white.  Although these have gone by now, they were a nice treat in May.

The rhododendrons here are fabulous right now.   In just one border in the Botanics, there must be over a dozen different colors and varieties.

Two of my all-time favorite flowers are coming into bloom -- irises and peonies!

Last Thursday, my mother-in-law Gerri and her friend Gloria  were just finishing a tour of Scotland, which ended in Glasgow, so we were able to have them over for dinner and quick walk in the Botanics.  Gloria has returned to the States, but Gerri is visiting with us for another ten days.

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