Sunday, July 15, 2012

Living the Castle Life

While touring the castles, we were staying in a castle!  Brodie Castle rents out the Laird's Wing, which is a section of the house renovated for the lord to live in after he donated the building and lands to the National Trust.  After he passed away, the National Trust uses this wing as vacation rental.

It was a great space for the twelve of us -- lots of bedrooms and baths and large dining room, kitchen and living room!  Despite the pretty constant rain, we had fun exploring the grounds, especially the pond where ducks and swans lived.

The kids en route to the pond

Hanging in Cormack's woods (real name)

Anna's fascinator, purchased in a charity shop in Glasgow

Coming for the bread

Brodie Castle from a distance

up close

Girls dressed for dinner (notice Anne has perfected the queen wave)

All in all, a great end to our Scottish adventures:  soggy weather, fun pals, castles 24/7!!

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