Tuesday, June 12, 2012

On the Mackintosh Trail, Again

As I described here, Charles Rennie Mackintosh is one of Glasgow's most famous people.  A designer and architect, his designs intertwine natural and geographic elements with simplicity and light.

My mother-in-law Gerri, my Glaswegian buddy Barbara, and I went to the Mackintosh House on the campus of the University of Glasgow.  This "house" is actually reassembled principle rooms from the the house the Mackintoshes lived in from 1906 to 1914.  Although you can't take pictures of the interior, this shot from the brochure show his use of light and dark contrasts.

This bedroom was a design for another house -- it feels very surreal to me, like a Dali dreamscape.

Mackintosh's wife, Frances Macdonald was an artist herself, mostly working with metal sculptures that seem very art-deco to me.

Then, Liam, Gerri, and I went to visit the Mackintosh Church at Queen's Cross, where Mackintosh again used simple lines and natural symbols to create a striking building.

blue rose stained glass window

bird protecting nest detail on pulpit

Once again we are lucky to live in a city where so much of the creativity and vibrancy of the Victorian era is still present and accessible!

Yesterday was Gerri's last day, and we are so sad to see her leave.  All our parents (and parent-like aunt) made it over to see us in Glasgow.  We loved showing them (and all our other visitors) the city we've come to admire so much.

Now, a week to pack in some fun Glasgow things, then onto France and Germany!

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