Monday, June 25, 2012

Au Revoir Paris

Yesterday was our last full day in Paris, and we decided to explore the area around our apartment more.  We're staying near the Stalingrad metro stop in the 10th arrondisment, so it feels like a world away from the touristy areas.  

We headed out towards the Canal St Martin which becomes a pedestrian area on Sunday mornings.  Despite the rain we saw lots of runners and this flea market which seemed to specialize in kids' clothes and toys.

 A few Pokemon cards and figures later, we continued along the canal checking out more cool stores and stopping for a delicious baguette sandwich and Nutella crepe.

Then, we went to 104, an open studio space with some art installments.  When I said open, I meant literally large open spaces where people were practicing all kinds of dance, performance art boxing, pilates, and singing.  Mixed in with these performers using the space for rehearsal or hanging out were families picnicking and kids' party complete with costumes and crowns, and a DJ.  Maybe due to the rain outside, but 104 was an amazing scene with something new to see in every niche.  

The three formal installations were also very cool. 

Bâtiment by Leandro Erlich -- an optical illusion that you could climb on to make yourself appear to be hanging on the exterior of a building.

The Treachery of Sanctuary by Chris Milk -- a screen where your shadow deconstructed into butterflies and your arms became birds' wings.

And  Le Labyrinthe by Michelangel Pistoletto -- a paper maze

We all loved this art space!!

Unfortunately, it was still raining when we went on a long and fruitless search for the baguette vending machine which had been reported in the NY Times last year and for a restaurant recommended in Time Out Paris -- both closed!  So tired, wet and cranky, the day ended a little less happy than it began, but that is traveling for you -- ups and downs.  Off to Heidelberg today!

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