Sunday, May 20, 2012

Edinburgh -- Castle and Kilts

Yesterday we took a day trip to Edinburgh with my dad and Holly.  Our main tourist purpose was to visit the castle.  I had been there in March with Molly and thought it was touristy then.  Well, the tourists have certainly arrived.  There were swarms of people around the castle, but in the usual tourist way a few blocks away from the castle the crowds thinned to almost non-existent.

Edinburgh Castle is spectacular in its size and variety of exhibits; however, the view is really what makes it a great spot to visit.  Much of the view outside the castle is now obscured by scaffolding being built for the summer festivals, but from inside the castle walls there are wonderful views over the city to the Firth of Forth.

After a delicious lunch of pizza and pasta at Vittoria, where Holly practiced her Italian on the wait staff, making it feel like a side trip to Italy, the boys and Holly and I went kilt shopping and my dad and Liam went to tour the Scottish Parliament building.

a very modern building meant to look as if it is part of this hill behind it

The boys have wanted kilts since we arrived Scotland, but the ones in Glasgow are fancy and expensive (meant to wear to a formal occasions), so we kind of put them off.  When I visited Edinburgh with Molly, we saw more touristy kilts, i.e. cheap, and I decided to let the boys get them when we went to Edinburgh. And here they are in their Scottish glory!

sweatshirts from the upcoming Fringe Festival

This was our last full day with Dad and Holly, so we're sad to see them leave today!

As you can tell by the winter coats it's been cold here!

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