Friday, March 2, 2012

Winter Glaswegian Fashion

Okay, so you know you want to dress like the Scots! Since we live near the university we see many young fashionistas. Here are some general rules: dark colors, no sneakers, dress up.

The Main Uniform

Young gals: black or patterned tights, shorts or short black skirt, scarf, boots (any length -- knee, calf, ankle), sweaters or Ts

Older gals: same as above, just longer skirts and no shorts, please

Gents: fitted jeans, dress shoes (often with pointy toes), collared shirt

Boots all the time, with everything -- skirts, tight pants, jeggings, skinny jeans, etc.

The short black skirt, tights and boots -- seen everywhere here and in the US.

A new one for me: shorts and tights -- very popular! Although sometimes you can see the parts of the tights not meant to be seen, which detracts from the look A LOT.

Ugg boots, still?!?

Men do wear kilts!

And here's a universal fashion don't

Overall, we find the big city Scots to be very stylish, but sensibly dressed. Since you almost always get all weather possibilities in one day -- rain, sun, clouds -- you can see why boots and scarves are popular. As spring continues, I'll give you an update on the warmer weather fashions when they emerge.

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