Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Weekend on an Island -- Stone Circles

On Saturday morning we drove the circumference of the Isle of Arran, stopping at different sights. Our first destination was the Machrie Moor Stone Circles, which were inland about a mile according to the guide book, but more like two miles according to our children and aunt (notice the stile seat above -- used for some walking breaks and Liam's sheep wool moustache). Despite the long-ish walk, we enjoyed seeing burial mounds and stone circles dating from Neo-lithic times.

And, the standing stones were quite impressive, towering far over head. The three above formed part of a circle and when I stood in the middle I could understand why ancient people chose this spot. It felt like you were in the center of the island with mountains rising up around you -- it was very spiritual!!

En route to the stones, we walked along a farm road through many flocks of sheep. The boys were desperate to pet one, but the sheep did not let them come close despite their attempts to herd them. Declan and Cormac chased them from one field to the next to no avail -- who was more tired boys or animals?

Heard Law in action -- Declan and I cut through an abandoned farm despite the warning sign.

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