Saturday, March 3, 2012

First Day with Molly

Liam's cousin, Molly arrived on Friday night after 24 hours of travel from California! Being the trooper she is, we set out immediately upon her arrival to see a local theatre company perform The Importance of Being Earnest, a play I have taught many times. It was great to see a live show of this play, and the performance was in an old church that also houses a pub and restaurant, called Cottiers, which is literally a 10 minute walk from our flat.

Today, after a breakfast of scones and croissants selected by Liam and Declan on an early jaunt to a local bakery, Kemper and Jones, we headed out to City Centre to show Molly some architecture and sites.

A return to the Cathedral, this time included a visit to the Provand's Lordship, built in 1471 as part of a hospital and the oldest house in Glasgow. The last tenants ran a sweet shop, so they had some very old looking candy and some cool candy molds that included heart and fish shapes on display. Liam and Molly toured the religious history museum and Cathedral, while the boys and I explored the Necropolis again.

Above the fireplace in the oldest house in Glasgow

Another battle at a sacred site

We ended up stopping for a bite into this pub that had a group of musicians gathered in a corner, so some yummy Scottish snacks (cullen skink = smoked haddock chowder, stovies = sliced potatoes and hamburger, and toasted cheese = toasted bread with melted cheese) and traditional music.

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