Saturday, May 12, 2012

Weekend in Dublin -- Flowers and Family

Today, we started off with a visit to the National Botanic Gardens, which is within walking distance of our hotel.  What a spectacular place!  We were wowed by the extensive plantings and impressive grounds.

I loved these figures basking in the sun with expressions of such contentment!

Amazing glass houses including one with a palm house including palm trees that are easily 18 feet tall and lots of other tropical plants with over-sized foliage.

Declan is all set to replicate this hut back in our Bangor yard

The water feature in the rockery, the rhododendrons following a river walkway, the formal rose garden -- there was something to appeal to anyone interested in plants and flowers.  Plus, a great cafe with many delicious choices from full meals to cakes.

In the afternoon, we divided forces.  My dad, Cormac and Declan went on the Viking Splash tour, which was a water/land tour of Dublin where the participants wore plastic Viking hats.  I went in search of the Oscar Wilde house only to find out that there were no longer tours there, but saw his statue in the nearby park.  Liam went to see the Francis Bacon collection.

Oscar Wilde in a telling posture

Look at that expression!
I thought the Oscar Wilde statue really captured his flamboyancy and his satirical wit -- the sprawling figure with a slight sneer, dressed to impress.

We ended our Dublin day having dinner with my dad's cousins -- three sisters and a sister-in-law from his mother's side.  We chatted, ate, and looked at old and new photos!  So fun to see these relatives whom I remember very well even though I've only met them a few times in my life.

My dad's sister, Margaret in the red coat with a cousin

My paternal grandmother on the right

My sister, Catherine on top of John Guiney's shoulders with Jill Webb
Liam, me, Cormac, Holly, Declan, my dad

from left back: John Webb, Holly Jannell, Richard Thibedeau
from left front: Ann Colgan, Ina Guiney, Mary Webb, Paula Madigan

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