Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Candy Update

Although we've greatly enjoyed trying out new candy in Scotland, we've noticed that most is made by multinational corporations (like Mars and Dove).  On our search for purely Scottish candy, Declan's friend Reuben introduced us to Tunnock's a company started in 1890 which only makes five products.  We sampled some and are happy to report that the candy is quite good!

This photo shows from left to right milk chocolate caramel wafer, caramel log, and dark chocolate caramel wafer.  The caramel log in the middle has a coating of coconut which adds some crunch to the caramel and wafer layers -- yummy!

Probably won't replace our true loves of Galaxy caramel (here), Cadbury bars, and Lindt chocolate, but it was great to try some truly Scottish candy.

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